Monday, March 13, 2017

The Best Me

"The privilege of a lifetime
is to become who you truly are."
C.G. Jung

With floating flowers, soft music, and numerous candles, the body relaxes while sitting in a tub of hot water.  The mind relaxes while being in nature with a slight breeze, warm sunshine, and delicate fragrances.  When aligned and balanced through visualization, prayer or meditation, the spirit enhances all things into one. 

When we are in alignment, we can readily explore what challenges are preventing us from moving forward.  We can determine fear and where it originated.  Clarity helps us to reframe in positive ways in order to transition.

We are wanting to be true to our authentic selves, to be comfortable in our own skin, and to bring forward our gifts and talents into the world.  We want to be able to face God/Goddess in the end sharing, "I was the best me!"

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