Friday, March 10, 2017

Continue Forward

"You are magnificent beyond measure,
perfect in your imperfections,
and wonderfully made." 
Abiola Abrams

Abiola Abrams states, "You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made."  Imagine how core values would be shaped if a child heard this encouragement every morning.  As the child falls asleep, the last words heard are of praise and forgiveness deepening the sense of worth.

In defining our  purpose, we spend years in search, ignoring the yearnings of our heart.  We think some day the inner voices will be followed.  The scope of purpose narrows as we finally turn inward to the heart of the matter.

We must whisper to our inner child,  "You are amazing.  Keep imagining!"  It is only when we align our inner worlds with our outside living that we begin to soar.  As we recognize our sacred center, we are able to accept our short comings and continue forward with our strengths.

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