Thursday, March 2, 2017

Create A Sacred Connection

 "The gods were on the point of giving up when Brahma said, 'I know where we will hide man's divinity. We will  hide it inside him. He will search the whole world over but never look inside and find what is already within."
Kate Atkinson 

To be very still in the silence of the present moment, a voice will gently surface to secure a sacred connection. For some, the communication may be a simple sense of knowing or sensing the presence of Divine Nature. Words may travel on a light breeze or a swift unearthly sound.

Individuals discover a unique joining with the spiritual world as they devote time to meditation or prayer. When there is stillness to replace the sounds of chaotic life in the physical.  When not distracted, our focus awakens and expands into other realms.

The pause we create within, calms our soul and realigns our energy. We feel better prepared to embrace living with authentic input and skill. Stress and anxiety will lessen as we hold higher value of our true essence.  We move through life feeling truly united with the SacredDivine.

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