Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Visualize Safe Haven

(Beloved Hannah, Nashville, TN)

                                                                When I was small - I sought a home,
                                                                   A place to go and rest my bones.
                                                                                  Will Advise 

Everyone needs a sanctuary whether it is illusionary or physical.  For some, the ocean's waves are lulling while others escape into the setting sun.  Silence is sought whether in a forest or a secret garden.  The importance is found in utilizing sacred space.

In the midst of the chaos, we must create a safe place protected from harsh energies, critical assault, and the sadness of life.  There needs to be a small pocket of protection where we can rest our weary hearts, even for a moment.

If our safe haven is a physical space, it is helpful to strengthen the ability to imagine being there. Through visualization, we can step into our favorite place, absorb strength to carry on,  and experience the connection with what we hold dear.

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