Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Chipping from a Wall

"When people don't express themselves,
they die one piece at a time."
Laurie Halse Anderson

When we are silenced, we die a little bit at a time.  As we are squelched by others,  we are minimized.  When we do not feel respected or valued, we hide our existence in the world.

No one enjoys a 'know it all' or a loud mouth, but each of us has the right to speak our truth ... even if we mumble it under our breath.  Our self-imposed silence will send us screaming madly into the night.  

The thoughts streaming through our head need to be prioritized and then released.  Our deepest repressed words can be splattered against a canvass or a music score.  We must not let our lovely selves die piece by piece like chipping from a wall.  

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