Sunday, March 12, 2017

Invest My Time

"We have to dare to be ourselves,
however frightening or strange
that self may prove to be."
May Sarton

As I wandered the aisles, art work caught my eye.  Immediate reactions came in the forms of honor, respect, and amazement.  There were a few pieces I revered just for the sake of art while others stimulated a desire for my own creative process.

As the afternoon passed by, I began to realize how my eyes floated over once admired work.  I was surprised past objects of interest no longer held my attention.  I was being drawn to unfamiliar designs and colors.

I know my lovely self very well and monitor my heart regularly, so this shift was a surprise for me.  When had I changed?  Then it occurred to me to not place energy in who I used to be, but to invest my time into the unfolding of who I now want to be.

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