Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Words Discarded Carelessly

"Silence in an ocean.
Speech is a river."


The silent brain is as expansive as an ocean.  It collects knowledge, experiences, and emotions which can all become garbled together.  Truth becomes buried in the deeper waters or it can be untimely washed up on a sandy beach for all to see.  We can float upon a wave of silence or be caught in a riptide, pulled into a quagmire of complicated thoughts.

When we detach and listen to ourselves in the midst of conversation, are we contributing wisdom or are we exchanging mediocre pleasantries?  If our speech is simply a river compared to the vastness of of our silent mind, is it not important to make our words impressionable?  Will our river of words  compare to a babbling brook or a calm heart?   Do our words represent who we authentically are or are they deliberate false leads?

Our words can be as pleasing as a shinning rock, for years washed smooth by the river, finding its way into the magical small hand of a child.  Through conscientiousness, we must avoid our words turning into debris, discarded carelessly.

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