Monday, September 21, 2015

Fall Equinox, Season for Harvesting

"The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting;
by doubting we come to the question."

Pierre Abela

Fall Equinox is the time to bring awareness to what we have harvested.  Last spring, we planted new seeds for new beginnings and how we tended to this process determines our outcome.  If we remained nurturing, sheltering, and supporting, our crop will be thriving.  If we did not respect nor honor our desires, the weeds of doubt more than likely diminished our growth.

In the fall, nature beckons to us to come outside of ourselves and observe the beauty of the earth.  It invites us to be aware of how we can better cultivate our dreams and intentions.  It is in nature we can see the grace in approaching death and absorb the beauty of each remaining moment.

We can be inspired by the autumn colors and creatively express our progress in many ways.  Just sitting on a park bench with the sun on our faces, we can take inventory of our stock.  We can accept where we were not diligent and increase practices which were helpful or nurturing.  We can weed out questions, release doubt and embrace new wisdom of this season.   

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