Sunday, September 27, 2015

Remain Vigilant

"For the lotus is a beautiful white flower that opens in  the light at  the surface  of the pond,  though its roots lie deep in the mud and muck below. No mud, no lotus.  The dark and the light are one."

Clark Strand

If we take something to the extreme, we can cause disease or disruption.  It is good to be profitable, but if it tumbles into greed, then our focus shifts and we lose parts of our original intention.  Even love, if we love too hard, we can suffocate the spirit of that person.  Accountability is good for our character, but if we become rigid task masters, using control or comparison over others, it becomes a deficit.  If compassion does not tame our dislike, it will grow into hate which can end in violence.  

It is important for each of us to see the potential of living in the light while experiencing darkness.  We cannot indefinitely avoid darkness as the denial will eventually overwhelm us.  Perhaps the point is responsibility.  Understanding that we can be  drawn into extremes, it is necessary to remain vigilant.

Nature demonstrates the power of light and dark rather well.  The elements, air, fire, water, and earth, can be both nurturing and debilitating.  Without air, we cannot breathe, but tornadoes can demolish entire cities.  Without fire, friends could not enjoy camping nor families gather around fire places; yet the California wild fires illustrate the damage fire can cause at great length.  We would not survive without water and yet there is flooding devouring properties.  Lastly, the earth provides us with many resources ... the same resources that man is running asunder, damaging our earth.

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