Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Communication With The Divine

"more than anything, i want to trust the journey 
i don't understand."

terri st cloud
bone sigh arts

If we had a sense of understanding when challenge interrupts our lives, we might be able to respond with a higher level of acceptance.  Life is usually not that generous, however, and we are called to action with faith and trust.

We can  become bombarded by questions of fairness, by denial of any responsibility, and overwhelming emotion.  When we do not remain focused on the issue at hand, supported by faith and trust, we can be misled from our path.  If we listen for guidance in the midst of chaos, we become more purposeful.

The underlying question is "What is the lesson I am to learn?"  We are not being singled out by some evil force, and we may be unaware of how much worse it might have been had angels not intervened on our behalf.  Being faced by the unknown  does not mean we are alone.

When we finally can determine the point of any experience, we are willing to participate with a more  productive attitude.  If understanding is veiled from us, our faith and trust need to be paramount followed by repeated communication with the Divine.

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