Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Heighten Our Earth Experience

"So I figured Divine was saying
there was another, better plan, that's all."

Tosha Silver
Change Me Prayers

"This or something better ... " is an important phrase to attach to the end of dreams or intentions.   The Divine Universe to create better endings than we would have ever imagined.

While in contemplation, it is vital to not be rigid with our requests or prayers.  If we are obsessed with one particular result, we may entirely miss a greater opportunity Spirit is willing to provide.  By expanding our vision, we are not locked into one deliberate set of expectations.

When we do not experience the answer we want, it is important to trust and have faith. We may not have had the foresight to see further down the road where our request could have led to unbearable challenge.  By being patient, the Universe has more time to align other opportunities to heighten our earth experience.  

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