Monday, September 28, 2015

Following the Path

"Being guided does not protect us from challenge,
but helps us to navigate with integrity."

Virginia's Voice

Aligned with the Divine, we still face challenge.  It is through challenge we learn our greatest lessons.  We travel our paths ready  to embrace differences;  forgive ourselves and others; and apply what we learn. 

An automatic response might be, "Why, God?  Why me?"   The best question of course is "What am I to learn from this experience?"  By asking this question, we are not a victim, but a researcher.  We believe the answer will prove to be an encouraging experience to propel us further.  The situation helps  to expand our awareness and strengthen our integrity.   

When we remain aware, we may even discover the lesson before us might even be a repeat.  By applying what we have already learned, we will move through the challenge more swiftly.  There will be minimal emotional stress and a stronger connection with the Divine.  If for some reason we stumble and lose our way, call upon angels, spiritual guides, or ancestors for help.  We will feel additional presence; receive a message through a book, friend, or nature; and regather our strengths to continue following the path of God.

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