Sunday, September 13, 2015

What We Want To Hear

"Alternatives that benefit us mightily in the short-term 
can often interfere with our long-term progress, 
while choices that will help us achieve our larger purpose 
may not always add value to our day to day existence.   

Madisyn Taylor

Short-term experiences may be a simple distraction from our main path, or they might be a piece needed later to form our greater picture.  Choosing a distraction for simple pleasure can be good for us if we have been working too intensely and harming our health.  On the other hand, if we have not been focused, our choice of pleasure can interrupt momentum causing  us to lose the thread of invention.  

Freedom of choice comes with responsibility and contributes to our integrity.  It takes courage to keep moving forward when we are tempted by random instances.  If we pause to give consideration, we can make decisions for our higher good more easily.  

When we find we cannot stand back far enough from a situation, we can quietly contemplate what would be in our best interest.  We can remain still, requesting guidance and then remain alert for an answer to appear.

Guidance appears in many shapes and forms, so we need to keep both our hearts and minds open. If we endeavor to recognize synchronicity, answers may fall readily into place.  Unfortunately, as human beings, we tend to ignore the answer completely if it is not what we want to hear. 

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