Saturday, September 5, 2015

Attract The Love We Need

"Love isn't an act,
it's a whole life."

Brian Moore

Love is intended to be available to all peoples including ourselves.  When we accept ourselves lovingly, we are far more prepared to reach out to others.  Love becomes infectious.  It is through radiance building within us that attracts the love of others beyond the barriers of age, ethnicity, and religiosity.

We seek perfection, when we have not yet accepted ourselves.  We yearn to be loved and endlessly search for one true love or soul mate.  We explore with focused vision, disregarding people who do not meet our agenda or rigid requirements.  Tunnel vision distorts the value of all side liners.

Love is not a singular action spearheaded for a specific person.  Love is not a tiny filament reserved for coupling.   Love is for everyone (excluding inappropriate behavior or  repeated abuse).  Everyone who crosses our path is deserving of a loving smile at minimum.  Kind words or a gentle touch can be felt as love.  No matter how we present ourselves, we are all deserving of love.  The more we extend our basic love, the stronger it builds, increasing our ability and desire to share with all, ultimately attracting the love we need.

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