Sunday, February 17, 2013

It Takes Input

The ocean was the best place, of course. That was what she loved most.
  It was a feeling of freedom like no other, and yet a feeling of communion
with all the other places and creatures the water touched.”    
~ Ann Brashares

Every day I hear the ocean and it calms me.  As the waves roll in, I feel as though I am being cleansed, over and over again.  The sun shines brightly upon my face and there is only joy, not sorrow.  As I wander back to our rented Key West home, I soak up the beauty of the beautiful trees and vibrant flowers snapping pictures all of the way. 

Once settled on the covered porch, I can laze on the glider listening to the gurgle of the small pool just a short glance away.  I watch small hawks flying overhead and wait for my favorite butterfly so delicate and graceful and yet so swift. 

For several years now, I have been meeting weekly with a small circle of women for contemplation, wisdom, and insight into various topics.  The sharing and learning between us has created a very strong bond of love.  This is where I feel accepted, not necessarily approved;and honored and respected in spite of frailties and wounds. Even though I carry these "sisters" in my heart, I miss their physical presence.

The same can be said for my writers group.  A few years back, I attended this gathering of diverse women and have returned weekly ever since.  Together we have laughed, cried, and taught each other through our shared writings and stories.  It is with these lovely ladies I have experienced tender hearted criticism, encouragement and validation.  I am keenly aware of my absence from these spirited sisters, and look forward to being with them once I return.

I also have weekly visits with a mentor and a close friend and by being absent, I realize how very much they help me to understand my self.  They say it takes a village to raise a child.  For me, it takes input from trusted and diverse souls to remain grounded and nurtured on my chosen path.  My destination will not be met if I travel completely alone, void of assistance from others.

When we were on the ferry last night, I was watching a buoy in the water bobbing around in the ocean waves.  This is how I feel at times, bobbing around in the deep waters of life.   I am upright and strong until a wave washes me over.  I resist and flounder until I allow my self to be upright again.  When I just trust the flow of the water and go with the ups and downs, life runs more smoothly.

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