Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pra Na Spa in Key West

“If I could touch anything in the world right now,
it would be your heart. 
I want to take that piece of you and keep it with me.” 
Jessica Verday
For Christmas, Russ gave a gift certificate to me from the PraNa Spa in Key West.  I have received massages here before with great satisfaction.  It is in a Zen setting with softly playing meditation music.  So I happily returned this year anticipating nothing but pleasure.  And pleasure it was.
During the last ten years as Russ and I have traveled, I always arrange time for a massage.  Each and every one has been interesting in its own way, and each  experienced masseuse has allowed me to enter into the private realm of my spirit.  Through the power of touch, stress falls away and the body relaxes followed shortly by the mind.  I find my self in a peaceful and suspended space outside of  ordinary time.  Within this sacred space filled with brilliant healing light, I mentally reach out to touch the hearts of those I love.  I visualize this light floating across time and space, successfully settling into these hearts bringing a wisp of contented love.  Then I extend this rejuvenating sense of calm out into the world, hoping it will arrive where it is most needed.
It is truly a shame the word 'massage' carries a stigma for some.  A professional massage is healthy for body, mind, and soul.  It is interesting to learn in the very first definition of hospital,
the structure offered medical procedures, family discussions, and massage.   Manipulating the body was considered an important part of the healing process.  With the growing population of Senior Citizens, there are many who have not been physically touched since the passing of their mate.  A massage would be rejuvenating physically and emotionally. 
The experience of a massage realigns our physical balance as well as the balance between body, mind and spirit.   It helps to adjust our perspective and attitude, allowing negativity to fall away.  If this has still not peaked an interest in a full body massage, try this.  Place a favorite lotion in the palms of each hand, then slowly rub each palm and then the top of the hand.  Rub the fingers and the wrists. Extend the rub up to the elbows working both the top and bottom of the arm.  Continue to the feet.  Apply lotion and knead the bottom of your feet and then stroke the top.  Attend to the toes like the fingers, rubbing in between each toe as well as the base in the back of the toe.  The ankles can also be massaged and part way up the leg, especially at the back of the calf.  It is truly amazing how this attention can impact the entire body with so little effort. 
If these comments still leave doubt lingering in the mind, think of the Bible.  There are many references to a common practice of anointing the feet with oil.  I am certain it was as pleasurable then as it is now.

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