Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Largest Art Festival in USA at Coconut Grove

We need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise diversity. We need to give each other space so that we may both give and receive beautiful things as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion. ~ Max de Pree

Traveling with our friends, we drove through all of the Florida Keys headed for Miami. It was a three hour drive, but the views along the way were very inspiring. Our friends explained the history of each Key and how it had significantly grown or suffered. This long drive took us to the largest art festival in the United States. The Coconut Art Festival was celebrating 50 successful years with over 350 artists on site and more than 500,000 people expected to attend. This is a juried show with highly skilled artists, best quality work, and exceptional offerings from across the United States, Canada, and a few other countries.
The skill of each artist was so unique nothing seemed replicated. There were oils, water colors, multi-media and even embroidered I had never seen displayed before. There were etchings in pencil and glass, pottery in Miami style, unique jewelry for all occasions, spectacular glass pieces for walls, vases, and table top decorations. Much to my surprise, I came upon a jewelry maker I had purchased from at the Peoria Art Festival in Illinois. (I knew she was counting on me, so I bought from her again. I couldn't let her down!) Other artists offered metal works, sculptures, fibers and painted silk, wood creations and leather designs. In addition, there were performing artists and individual musicians scattered throughout the show. In the attempt to not exclude any artist, there was an entire section of culinary arts with amazing food and chefs.
This was an amazing experience. I have attended art shows and festivals for years now, and I have to admit even though this was the largest scale art show I have ever attended, not one tent nor exhibitor had failed to reflect their unique interpretation of what they had honed their skills to create. 
These artists truly reflected the concept of remaining focused on individual interpretation, extending time and money on the preferred skill, rather than spending energy on duplicating some one else's creation or style. They followed their personal instincts with passion and the results were extremely creative gifts. We found some of the artists visiting other artists to buy what they honored in others. One jewelry artist was looking at a beautiful silk painted shawl. She was willing to support others in what they did best. Artists respecting the exceptional qualities in others promotes diversity and good will.
One particular young woman will always stand out in my mind, Teresa Merriman.  Her business is MIND'S EYE JOURNALS.  She was from Colorado and created exceptional journals. She had made the paper which was high quality, and then prepared leather of different shades to cover each journal. She also bound all of the journals her self. There were three different sizes and not one a like. The higher end prices were on the journals adorned with leather covers plus uniquely individual metal disks. These journals were high quality artistic offerings. I loved talking with this artist at length and regretfully didn't buy one. I felt I would never have anything worthy enough to say to grace the lovely pages in this exceptional journal.  Her skilled crafts (woman) ship can be viewed at: 
We also attended the neighboring art festival (We walked out of one and right into another) composed of artists applying too late to get juried for the larger show. It was also very entertaining. In a delightfully older school building, High Tea was being offered with fresh strawberries on scones. We of course wanted to support their efforts as well.
After stimulating the economy in this creative heaven, we were ready to head home. With a three hour return drive a head of us, we had plenty of time to share our favorite experience or food from the day. Half-way back we experienced a wonderful dinner at The Green Turtle giving ourselves time to rest and regroup. We had left our rental house by 7:30 am and returned exhausted by 10:30 pm, but what a magnificent day.

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