Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Answering When We are Called

"Love only grows by sharing.  You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others." 
―   Brian Tracy
There is a lot to be said for defining boundaries and clarifying limitations when in relationship.  It is only when these two things are addressed that giving will not exhaust us.  It is the gift of giving when it is reciprocated back to us.  This is not to say that reciprocation will come immediately nor will it necessarily be returned by the same person.  Frequently, our random acts of kindness are returned to us in quite a different way and at a different time.
Some of us will say we glory in the feeling of joy once we extend our selves or resources to some  one else.  The joy of giving in unmistakable, but even though our intention was never to receive in turn, goodness shall be returned. 
We do not extend love in order to be loved in return, as life will repeatedly show us this isn't how relationships work.  We give out of love and our love for our selves swells by our kind actions.  When we are filled with love for our selves (I am not talking about ego here) we will attract love back to us.  The joy of giving creates love for all involved. 
We extend our selves without an intention for an outcome.  We give freely in spite of what will unfold.  We do our part and leave the rest.  We answer when we are called without any agenda.
My favorite example of this is the the story of two men walking down the street passing a disheveled homeless woman begging for money.  The one man looked the other way while the second man immediately extended cash to the "down on her luck" woman.  
The first man asks if the second man is crazy.  "Do  you really think she is going to go buy milk or food with that money," the first man asks.  The second man smiles at the first man and explains that his obligation is to respond to the needs of others and then it ends there.  Whatever the woman does with the money is up to her.     He does not have an agenda or intentions for a specific outcome.  He is simply answering the call.  Too often, we relinquish our part by judging the other.
Today is my significant other's birthday.  In my eyes, he is this second man.  Although prudent, he frequently will immediately respond to a call once received.  He is willingly to accept the responsibility of helping another without a return.  He will never mention his good deed again as he just takes it in stride.  He does not worry, get overly involved, or further engage.  He simply does what he is nudged to do.
I celebrate his birth and his presence in my life.  He is my teacher and infrequently my student.  We are dramatically different, but our hearts are coupled, giving and receiving as our love grows.

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