Sunday, February 10, 2013

Congruent with Body, Mind, and Spirit

Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be free.  Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing.  This is the ultimate.     ~ Chuang  Tzu
An oxymoron suiting me quite well is an "organized procrastinator".  There are areas in my life where I am highly detailed and disciplined, but other areas where I will put things off for absolutely no reason.  One minute totally focused and another minute drifting into unrestrained loftiness. 
This generates the conversation regarding being spontaneous and going with the flow or being disciplined so life has been lived to the maximum.  The obvious would be to balance discipline with spontaneity.  The not so obvious would to be so totally connected with the inner Spirit that we simply follow the guidance.  If we are truly in touch with our higher self, we can just allow life to unfold.
For a long time I stated I could only write the first thing of a morning.  I was very disciplined and wrote every morning.  As life has it, however, there were times my mornings were interrupted and I would wait until the next morning to write.  Put quite simply, this was nothing but an illusion.  It was a story I told myself and therefore became very rigid naming it discipline.  In reality, I can write any time I want to be disciplined to do it ... morning, afternoon, evening.  When I am connected to my inner Spirit, I know what is best for me to do.  If I am open to the idea of cleaning, I can sail through my tasks easily.  If I resist the nudge to do something, it grows heavy on my mind and I resist all the more.  Finally when I give in, I do the task begrudgingly and it takes on more time and displeasure. 
The point I am trying to make is this ... I want to be a verb for Spirit to use me when and where I can best contribute.  I want to maintain an awareness so I can be guided. By being congruent with body, mind, and spirit, I can be a force to create positive energy in what I do or where I go.  I can be an instrument bringing peace and calm.

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