Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fish Out of Water


There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

~Nelson Mandela

My last trip to Maui was a month long spiritual journey.  Revelations greeted me at every turn and a sense of euphoria filled my life each and every day.  Although I experience Key West in a different way, I arrived here anticipating additional spiritual break throughs.  I felt prepared to open my heart and mind to thoughts to propell me farther along my spiritual path.

With every transition, change is present and we best be prepared to go with the flow.  Nearly a month ago when we arrived at a lovely little rental house in Old Towne, I was fully prepared for adventure and discovery.  Little did I know my awareness would reveal I had arrived at my destination which happened to be my inner self.  My imperfect inner self.

Instead of soaring above the ocean like an eagle in the sky, I remained grounded in observations of gaping holes I needed to mend.    Why are we always surprised to discover we have traveled near and far only to arrive at the starting point once again.   The difference is I now know the way to go, which paths to take, as I have traveled it more than once before.

As I wander the familiar streets and favorite places, I am aware of just how much I have changed since I was last here.  I am proud of who I am today, and grow increasingly aware of who I have always been.  I believe this search of meaning in life is simply a matter of swimming deeper and deeper within our own waters.  We develop the ability to shed more and more of what we no longer need, and learn to swim with the current. 

My nature is to grow increasingly comfortable while in the water.  I float, swim, and dive in the rolling waves.  What is there not to enjoy?  There is such a sense of cleansing, of washing away the heaviness of life, and hearing only the silence of  the liquid surrounding the body.    I find myself to be light hearted and buoyant, not wanting to be the old fish  spit out by the ocean onto the sand.   I don't want to be just another fish out of water.


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