Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One by One

“I understand you, and I shall not attempt to make you change your mind. I am too old to want to improve the world. I have told you what I think, and that is all. I shall remain your friend even if you act contrary to my convictions, and I shall help you even if I disagree with you.”    Milan Kundera

Wandering down by the wharf, we watched numerous people waiting in line in preparation for boarding one of the schooners.  Some of these boats have beautiful wooden interiors and provide entertainment during the sail.  The musician is usually dressed in vintage clothing playing instruments from early time periods in history.

It was fun to watch these people board the  schooner.  They were all talking as though they were all old friends.  Laughter and conversations floated joyfully through the air.  It is amazing to watch a group of people who are unknown to each other, squeeze
themselves into a schooner and become instant friends with fellow sailors.  Granted, the relationship is superficial at the time, but a respect is generally offered to those one meets.  Compare this scenario with another. Think of  a line of people waiting for a bus, train, or plane.  There seldom is communication, just pushing to get on and settled in.  So what is the difference?  A state of mind, work -vs- vacation?  

Fear prevents us from common courtesies, and I do understand the need for personal safety, but not to the degree of rudeness towards others.  Since we have been here, we have shared our table with another couple when the restaurant was crazy busy.  We have stepped back and let someone in a hurry go before us.  It makes a person feel good, not better.  If we would allow ourselves common courtesies towards others, the recipient would feel good and so would we.  We have to take small steps.  Each one of us has to take small.  One by one we can choose to make the world a better place.

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