Monday, June 28, 2021

Sense of Home

"Home isn't always a place is it?"
Charlie Mackesy

At an early age, we begin to sense the comfort of our home.  We begin to differentiate feelings of safety, noises and fragrances ... all indicators of our security.  As we grow, we begin to extend a portion of our love of home to our grandparents, friends, and eventually at school.  Later, we then create our personal sense of home.

We come to realize that home isn't always a physical space.  It is sometimes emotionally felt in the presence of trusted friends.  The secure emotions can be experienced in the midst of prayer or meditation.  Walking in nature can give us the sense of connection we need.

Before we become 'undone' or find our spirits in the depth of darkness, we can use preventive measures to stabilize our life patterns.  We can rest assured if we have committed to defining and securing what our heart needs.  The ability to navigate the flow of life provides us with the sense of home.

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