Saturday, June 5, 2021

Control and Freedom


"What we eat is important to our sleep
and daily rhythms."
Emily Silva   

Basic habits create a specific role in our daily lives.  We all know to 'eat right' or 'get enough sleep', but do we remain consciously aware of this?  Do we wait until we are exhausted to gaze back over our chaotic life pattern to realize our own poor choices impacted energy levels?

There seems to be a routine we go through, not catching on to our own lack of accountability until the rinse or spin cycle. We are critical of our lovely selves without aligning a preventive or corrective  program.  

We may begin the week with exercise and appropriate eating, but as chaos builds, we begin to substitute  healthy eating resulting in less nutrition for healthy sleep patterns.  We freely, yet grudgingly, give up our personal space to the demands of others and then ponder where we went wrong. If we do not master our own control, freedom will be elusive.  

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