Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Naked, and Unafraid ...


"When we give our energy, we make space 
for more to flow into us."
Shakti Gawain

Naked and unafraid, once again we are free to travel in the midst of others, sharing smiles and feeling reconnected.  Stress is released and emotions are uplifted.  No longer are we seemingly traveling this earth alone as a scorned pariah. 

Of course reference is to the disrobing of masks, at least for some of us.  As we pass others by, we feel a genuine kindness shared through the eyes.  Our minds are quietly whispering, "We're okay!"  For the time being we ignore what lies before us.  Pretending that trauma hasn't occurred; but for right now in this space of time, let us breathe.

Individually, we must continue to believe in our personal strength, our ability to grow between the rocks formed around us.  We will seek the sun and not be fearful of the dark for the moon is always there.  We can carefully place our prayers in the center of a light beam and secure it in a star!

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