Friday, June 11, 2021

Stand Up, Please

"You educate a woman, you educate a generation."
Brigham Young

Stand up please, and allow your lovely self to be celebrated.  As a female, not only can you birth humans into this world, but through articulation and example, you are constantly reflecting information. Whatever you learn is expressed through actions, thoughts, and words.

You may or may not share with your parents or have siblings hanging on every word.  There will be children,  classmates, teachers, and relationships all exposed to what you personally represent. This is why it is vitally important to stand by your truth, and not hide it.

The challenges you face help to propel you forward.  You are encouraged to never minimize nor disrespect the self or others.  There is no one else like you and you bring into our world a special sense of being.  Please stand so that you can be applauded!  


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