Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Arrow and the Hole


"Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there
 is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it.
Otherwise, let it roll right off you."
Hillary Clinton

When someone's words strike a personal and negative chord within, it is important to follow it down to its origin.  Criticism may have nothing to do with the moment, but may trigger unhealed bruising within.  This would be a situation where the past is coloring our perception of the present.

Shoot an arrow into the side of a barn.  Remove the arrow and notice how the hole continues to remain indefinitely.   This can be true of our careless or judgmental words we sling at one or others.  Even if we apologize, the damage has been done.

As we are confronted, we can listen for truth as a guide to improve.  If harsh words truly do not resonate, simply let them go.  Retaliation or casting our own dark words is unnecessary and only digs  holes deeper.  


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