Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Adventure of the Gingko Leaf

"Nature is the high source of extreme happiness,
peace, pleasures, and a high motivation."
Aayush Verma

A beautiful warm day presented itself before me, with the sun shining and flowers opening, but no where to go.  As swiftly as I could think of a destination, my heart would say no.  My mind pulled up memories of walking with Mary or Cherrie or visits with Nan.  Then there was the Herb Festivals with Barb and the Spoon River Drive by the carload.

As I drove aimlessly down the highway, I opened my sun roof barely an inch.  I was feeling  thoroughly disconnected. And just like magic, a Gingko Leaf floated down through the slight space of my  sun roof!  This blessing of nature gently settled on my arm showing that I was not lost nor was I alone.  I laughed out loud as I felt an instant connection with all there is.  

I returned home carrying my precious leaf (not an oak or maple, but a GINGKO for heaven's sake) and sat out back listening to the birds and watching the clouds float by.  My heart filled with joy and my spirit took flight high up into the sky.  

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