Sunday, April 30, 2017

Transition In The Breeze

"The best of our stories are those that transform and 
redeem us, ones that both ground us in ourselves by
reminding us what it means to be human and elevate 
us by furnishing an instrument of self-transcendence."
Neil Gaiman

When our stories become too fanciful, we cease to believe them ourselves and satisfaction never appears.  In the dark binds of history, we carry light to divulge a slip of wisdom, but hope to never remain lost and wandering.  Yearning for clarity, we turn to the heavens hoping for transition to expand our understanding.

Too much of one thing is not good for the body or the soul.  A balance  displaying two sides to the coin assists us into crisper reality.  Loss brings appreciation when sorrow ebbs.  Tears cleanse our eyes so we can once again see the beauty surrounding us.  The harsh voice closes ears and the mantra of peace opens the eyes of the world.

A vibration is created as the pendulum of reality swings from one side to the other, creating a momentum that sustains.  The movement prevents us from being stuck in one extreme or the other.  As we learn to tolerate the motion, our transition flows in the breeze. 

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