Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sacred Meanings

"When I am feeling dreary, annoyed, and generally unimpressed by life,
I imagine what it would be like to come back to this world for just a 
day after having been dead."   Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Attachments have been dissolving for no apparent reason.  I no longer feel the lust when browsing in a book store nor do I feel the rush of the hunt at a flea market.  The need to covet material things is simply falling away.  

Perhaps I have outgrown collecting books as I did as a child capturing butterflies.  The patterns I sought in German dish patterns or sugar spoons have somehow shifted upwards to the designs of the lofty clouds or the magical gliding of the hawk's wings.

As I grow older, I find I do not cling to the comfort of people or things.  The emphasis tends to fall upon incidental exchanges and heart rendering exchanges.  Value seems to be in the present moment glimpsing sacred meanings, creating a pathway for the final journey home.

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