Friday, April 14, 2017

Consistently Aware

"Becoming keenly and consistently aware of what's good, true
and beautiful demands a discipline:  we must open our eyes,
minds, and hearts, and keep them open."
Mary Oliver

Perception is altered by our eye sight.  When we look through a child's eye, we may perceive a playful attitude.  If we study with an educated eye, we cling to the facts and not assumptions.  With a creative eye, we may encounter diverse experiences like looking through a kaleidoscope.

It is important to remember what is true today, but also realize, it may not be the truth of tomorrow.  Life is constantly changing and altering both facts and fiction.  The world is not flat, man can walk on the moon, and hearts can be transplanted.

If we perpetually prop our eyes open, we will be a part of change, but if continuously close our eyes, we will not have a smooth transition.  We are not who we were yesterday, and it is pretty doubtful we will be entirely the same tomorrow.  So bend or stretch, twist or curl, and continue moving or else be stuck in whatever is no longer true.

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