Friday, April 21, 2017

The Soul Behind The Words

"The true life is not reducible to words spoken or written,
not by anyone, ever.  The true life takes place when we
are alone, thinking feeling, lost in memory, dreamingly
self-aware, the submicroscopic moments."
Don DeLillo

Early in my life, I discovered Kahlil Gibran.  I searched for his poetry with pen in hand,  ready to copy his work into my thickening notebook.  It became a ritual for me, seeking silence in the back of the library, surrounded by Gibran's work while digesting his words.

Years would pass before I became aware of Kahlil Girban's troubled life.  His self-destruction behind his poetic words was concerning.  It was challenging to integrate his beloved writings with his troubled soul.  It was with this integration, however, I began to delve behind words to view the soul.

It does not matter if words are written, spoken or stuck behind clenched teeth.  If we truly listen beyond the physical self, we begin to hear the heart of the story and the suffering of the author.  It is through songs, art, and masterpieces, we become aware of the soul behind the words.

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