Tuesday, April 11, 2017

No Reason At All

"Intelligence is composed mostly of imagination,
insight, things that have nothing to do with reason."
Vivienne Westwood

As my gaze falls across the vast mountains, I do not see the face of the cave.  I see trees, boulders and gliding birds, but no doorway to lead me inside.  I know there are passages documented by history,  but I lack the heart of an adventurous explorer.

As I sit at the base of the mountain and lean against a giant tree, I listen to the gurgle of an unrecognized stream.  The sun reflects off the water and forces my eyes to close. The vision begins to visit what at first could not be seen.

Inside of the mountain, caves are filled with bones, tools, and ancient pots. I begin to feel the heat of the fires from years ago, and hear the chanting of elders exploring spiritual realms.  Scribes are drawing upon the walls and I long to understand it all.  I remain at length with my imagination, and insight, for no reason at all.

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