Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Suffering Optional

"The wound is the place where the light enters you."
Jalaluddin Rumi

If we have the perspective of challenge being an opportunity to grow, we can minimize the suffering. We immediately alert ourselves there is a lesson here and begin to solve the puzzle.  If we ask, "What am I to learn?" we immediately focus on correction.    If we ask, "Why is this happening to me?" we become stuck in emotional suffering and pain.

When we explore beyond the incident itself, we begin to see a larger picture.  There are insightful triggers waiting in the broader landscape.  Knowledge leads us towards wisdom and much can be gained, rather than focusing on the pain. 

When we become broken, there is a crack for light to shine in illuminating the darkness.  The warmth of the light initiates healing and our strength begins to build.  As we grow stronger, the light extends  to help us find our way. 

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