Sunday, May 19, 2013

In the Silence

Silence is a fence around wisdom
German Proverb 

Silence can be found in isolation, but it can also be maintained in the presence of  chaos.  If we can quiet our mind and grow to be comfortable in the mental stillness, we can be any where or be present in any space.  We discover our teachers often times keep still when we are searching for answers.  We are aware of the knowledge the mentor retains, and yet they may remain silent when we long to hear answers.  Perhaps it is in the silence that our answers will appear.    The mentor knows we hold our answers within our own heart and spirit.

It can be good to hold our wisdom to our selves, being silent in the presence of another.  Our silence allows space for the other's inquisitive mind to explore and to put discoveries into a language.  The fence around our wisdom allows us the pleasure of not experiencing pressure to always have the appropriate answer.    We can sit in silence, content in just knowing what we hold to be true.

We can carry our silence with us, hearing the purity of the abundant sounds of nature.  In our silence, we can focus on deep breathing, experiencing subtle oneness.  When all is quiet within, we experience the lofty sense of just 'being' and not doing.  In this silence we will find our Divine in the midst of peace and calm.

1 comment:

  1. So very true and beautifully stated. You really nailed it, my friend!
