Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Experience the Freedom

Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water.
Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup,
you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle,
you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Now water can flow or it can crash.
Be water, my friend.

Bruce Lee
(November 27, 1940 ~ July 20, 1973) 

Finally, I feel the limitations of a winter hibernation falling away.  The warmer weather generates hope and instills the prospect of new growth.  I find my self breathing again, deep breaths.  I want to welcome the sunshine into the depths of my soul, thawing all that has been frozen.

My legs are once again finding their stride while I watch the landscapes unfold with my eyes.  The grass is a vibrant and healing green and the lovely flowers yearn to be seen.  The trees as they flower magically release scents of honeysuckle and crab apple.   The little creatures skitter to and fro while the song  birds are perched both high and low. 

I strive to cast off  the sadness of winter  as the sun floods my heart with joy and gladness.  I am once again thankful for this life and grateful for all kindness being extended in this world.  I am ready to embrace opportunities coming my way and to meet life's challenges in the most positive and gentle way.

Whether I dig in the dirt or master an art, inspiration stimulates life anew.  Creativity triggers the natural rhythm of life  and calls me to stand aside, out of my very own way.  I can now experience the freedom  to be limitless, formless and shapeless in the presence of Spring. 

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