Thursday, May 30, 2013

As in the Mind, So it is in the Body


In order to create health daily, long before illness ensues we need to pay attention to the subtle signals from our bodies about what feels good and what doesn’t. Foggy thinking, dizziness, heart palpitations, acne, headaches, and back, stomach, and pelvic pain are a few of the common but subtle symptoms that often signal that it is time for us to let go of what we don’t want in life and start using our own power to improve things.

Christiane Northrup
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom 

This morning, I was reading a long time favorite author, Christiane Northrup.  She is a medical doctor who is very progressive in her approach to women and their health.  She has authored several books, and recently did an interview with Joan Borysenko, another admired doctor and author.  I find it comforting to read and hear these women discuss health issues, updating approaches to our health that have nothing to do with medicine itself, but the power our body holds and what we can do with it.

As women, we can realize when things are going right or wrong by our 'gut' or intuitive responses.  We all have them, but we don't always listen to them or follow up with appropriate action.  When we are feeling impacted by negativity, it is a clear sign that we are not taking the right approach or we are not headed in the correct direction or we are overlooking key signals.  Upon ignoring such promptings, we then develop a headache or nausea or anxiety.  These symptoms will fade away if we take a moment to pay attention to what are body is trying to tell us.

To keep our energy flowing, we must be paying attention to recognize the alert from our body.  When we are aware of a negative emotion, and accept it, we try to understand what is going on within us that caused this.  We try to identify what happened to cause our energy to stop freely flowing.  Is the situation coming up in our mind welcomed or is it something we want to get out of?  It is important to declare to ourselves what it is we truly want, honestly.  In this way we are making our desires very clear.  When our intentions are perfectly clear we feel more powerful and our creative energy moves back into a balanced flow.  We can acknowledge we do have power and we do have the right to choice.  The situation is always enhanced by feeling Divine Spirit supporting us in a positive direction.

The universal law of attraction allows us to attract people or situations to reflect our own thoughts and belief system.  If we are connected to a positive energy flow, we will attract positive people and pleasant learning experiences.  If we are being negative, negativity will be reflected back to us by those who surround us. 

When we embrace a higher being, and love ourselves, we will find a loving community.  We will attract like minded people and discover creative options as to how we can live our lives.  Our bodies will be healthier and our spirits will soar!

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