Monday, December 20, 2021

When We Put Them Back On ...


""I think there is a pattern in my life, and
I don't want to perpetuate it."
Janet Conner

Patterns can be repeated for years without being realized.  They call for immediate responses that can be outdated and unproductive.  When we become aware of a pattern, we might feel shamed, or disoriented, or lost.  Only when we take action, will these long standing patterns be altered.

When untrue to the authentic self, we wear a misleading mask.  There may be differing masks for our world, family, and self.  When did this coping skill begin?  How painful is it to remove a mask?  Which one will be removed first, ... second ... third?  Will we be tempted to put them back on?  The outcome is to be fully and  divinely as God intended.  

Our focus cultivates direction, opportunity, and completion ... then we begin again.  Our energy is not to be used in falsely accommodating others, or responding to a dream that is not our heart's desire.  We are called to boldly stand in our authenticity, proud to be who Spirit intended us to be ... maskless.

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