Saturday, December 18, 2021

Power of Renewal and Rebirth


"Once I understood how my body in not this shape,
but the process of life that created it, I understood
what rebirth is truly all about."
Anneloes Smitsman & Jean Houston

The vision of a butterfly being born within the dying body of the caterpillar or the process of a snake shedding its skin, trigger ideas of our own abilities. From birth, human life is nothing but change.  At every level of learning, we are fed new information that stretches thought, and increases creativity.  This occurs when we release the old and embrace the new.

Dead ends appear in our life simply for shifting our gears.  It is not about being wrong or being a failure.  Non-aggressive power unfolds when we begin to see the 'light' or to trust our gut or venture into the unknown.  If we allow the self to be led, and pay attention to what is being reflected, the process of life continues to rebirth us.

Some mystics refer to the 'second birth' as an experience allowing separation, and initiation. A deeper knowing or an inner voice surfaces, visions of possibilities increase, and life is reborn.  Through this renewing and transformation a deeper process continues accelerating our growth beyond physical death.

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