Thursday, December 9, 2021

Minimize or Maximize ...


"Whenever two opposing or  competing intentions are trying
to manifest at the same time, it creates tension."
Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman

Creating on Purpose a book written by Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman is a wonderful source to help us be consistent with creative endeavors.  The authors bring the readers to the attention of the struggle of conflict playing out in our subconscious.

The energy needed to fulfill a project is drained by the interference of conflict and discomfort.  Exuberance becomes diminished by thoughts of fear, shame and defeat.  Past false assumptions distract us from our present path and divert us from creative forward movement.

Negative thoughts stored in our repertoire of excuses, flood into the present.  There is need to forge through patterns preventing levels of success.  Monitor inner voices; minimize doubts or second thoughts; ignore reactions from others; and release desire for validation or approval.  These are coordinates to make our path less challenging and navigation more creative!

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