Monday, December 27, 2021

Feet Under the Table ...

"Friends are the siblings God never gave us."

While working with seniors, I asked a woman who had been living for 80 years, what her best memories were during the holidays.  Without hesitation she replied, "I miss feet under my table."  I didn't understand just then, but the full impact developed over time.

For years to come, I lavished table settings with linen, silver, crystal and candles galore.  I spent hours in preparing foods and special dishes for each of my children. Then life lured these beloved feet to places of their own.

I didn't understand all those years ago, how the feet under my table would eventually be replaced by those I call 'sisters of my heart".   Varied sizes and differing signs of wear and tear, the feet of adopted kins grounded me with comfort, security and love we all seemed to need. 

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