Wednesday, May 9, 2018

One World, One Nation

"Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify
the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage
and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and
keep moving forward."
Germany Kent

As we allow our light to shine inward, we begin to realize there are numerous parts to ourselves as well as shadows and barriers.  When we embrace the concept of being multi-sided like a crystal, our core swells with energy.

The more light we bring to our hidden parts, the stronger our light becomes.  We gain courage and willingness to accept and embrace all shards of glass previously fallen into dark crevices.  We learn to acknowledge we are capable of achieving many things and the goal is to bring forth the best of all parts.

When we truly see our core, accepting human error and unmastered challenges, the world opens up to us and we begin to see the dynamics of all people, places, and things.  When our light shines on the existing world, we experience a connectedness and attract experiences to enhance our sense of one world, one nation.

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