Friday, May 18, 2018

Slightest Movement of Joy

"Earth's crammed with heaven ...
But only he who sees,
takes off his shoes."
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The connection between our thoughts and what we attract in our life grows stronger.  There is increased documentation of the interrelatedness of body, mind, and spirit.  There are those who say we are what we eat and then others who say we are what we think.  Our perspective colors our vision.

If we seek goodness in others, we will find it as we extend goodness freely.  If we yearn to feel needed, we can easily extend service.  If it is love we want, there is an abundance of love in nature, art, music, friendship and family.

Seeking perfection is a fool's journey as there is no perfection to be found.  We may be awe struck by amazing beauty, but it will pass in time ... like sorrow, grief, and loss.  Our attention will broaden as we begin to see the magic around us.  We will find laughter in the slightest movement of joy.  When we call happiness, healing,and  understanding to us, we must not have it detailed and designed.  We must open our selves for the blessings of heaven to arrive in any form.

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