Saturday, May 5, 2018

Tell Me More


"Nodding your head, saying 'yeah, yeah' and pretending
to know things you don't ... "
Loren Weisman

Often, we find ourselves in situations we either have not heard correctly or find the comment confusing. The appropriate immediate response would be to ask for the information to be repeated or clarified.  We are hesitant to do this out of fear of appearing stupid or being judged incompetent. 

Miscommunication occurs when we are out of our depth or out of step with the discussion.  The longer we wait to interject our need to catch up, the more off track we become.  If we don't understand or we simply forget, interject the need for more information.  

When we simply do not respond, it may be construed as lack of support or negativity.  We must speak up and request further conversation until we are on equal ground.  If we choose to remain silent, our confidence weakens and we may become defensive or argumentative.   "Tell me more," is a great way to extend the discussion, especially if the speaker is filled with passion.

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