Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Gift of Presence

"The most precious gift we can offer others
is our presence."

Thich Nhat Hanh

It is during this holiday season we feel most alone.  Like children, we build up expectations and when they fall short, our fall is gravely felt. We allow ourselves to feel lesser than even when we have offered our best.

It is not the foil gift wrap, the curled ribbon, nor the fancy card.  Meaning is found in the heart that gives and receives.   We are the gift to be shared with others. When we learn to love ourselves, just as we are, we are more likely to embrace others, just as they are.  When we believe we are accepted in spite of weaknesses, we are less likely to judge others.  

When we find ourselves alone, we can choose to be a witness to someone else.  We can simply be a present by being present.  When we kindle our light, in spite of circumstances, we can hope to bring warmth to the coldest of hearts, including our own.

As we witness the lives of others, whether as volunteers, strangers, or close friends, we are a living message.   Spirit moves messages through us even when we are unaware; just as Spirit whispers to us if we are willing to hear.

The gift of presence relays a message of hope, love, peace, and good cheer. 

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