Monday, December 29, 2014

Capture a Moment

"I am quite happy."

Dipa Ma
Knee Deep in Grace

Observe a child covered in mud.  The young mind is joyful and creative. There is an element of peace, contentment and lightness of the heart. The child's mind captures a moment.  Their movement is impulsive filled with excitement.  For the child, there is no intention setting as the time is now.  This very moment.  A child does not wait for the perfect day or the best time to begin an adventure. 

During a holiday party, I intentionally aimed my conversation towards creative play.  "So, what are you currently doing to entertain your creative spirit?"  One woman told me she had chosen journaling for a New Year's intention, but she had not found the perfect journal as of yet.  Another friend had set the intention to register for a winter class at the local junior college, but she was having difficulty narrowing the selections down, so had not followed through as of yet.  Lastly, an acquaintance was going to run a marathon in the New Year, but she had to join a gym, find a trainer, and get some appropriate workout clothes.  

As adults, we can recapture this sense of deep play, once we shred the layers of self-imposed restrictions.  When a magnificent idea floats through our head, we do not need a perfect instrument to write the inspiration.  We can grab a pencil and a napkin and quickly jot the insight down before it evaporates. If we are yearning for a classroom experience, we can ask our selves, "what is it I truly want to explore?"  Choose one class and begin.  There will always be other classes to choose from.  As for physical training, intentions are great, but what can we do right now in the moment?

Play was meant to be spontaneous filled with delight whether it is a walk through a mud puddle or glimpse at the sun as it sets.  No finance charges, admission fees nor special equipment.  Belly laughs release our anxiety and mud between our toes provides the sense of expansive freedom.

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