Sunday, December 21, 2014

Holding The Universe

"She wasn't doing a thing that I could see,
except standing there leaning on the balcony railing,
holding the Universe together."

J.D. Salinger

My admiration falls upon unrecognized souls dedicated to healing the condition of Mother Earth, quietly reaching out to fellow dwellers in need,  and silently praying for those who struggle all over the world. Out of camera sight, in plain view, every day people are extending prayers, energy work, and humble actions. Setting aside celebrities, officials, and tin gods, unrecognized souls are quietly rendering peace into the world.  

Perhaps they are not specifically courageous nor fire eating specialists, but they have unconditional love coursing through a heart not knowing separation.  These unknown souls, living ordinary lives take extraordinary silent steps towards respect, peace, and compassion, never seeking gain, recognition nor fame.  These unidentified workers of goodness,  tirelessly hold the Universe together.

Holding the Universe together, these unnoticed humans do not necessarily recognize anything special about themselves.  They may have many outside contacts or none;  others may never know of the rendered personal acts;  and bringing attention to themselves is the last thing they desire.

There are people meeting in parks, forming symbols by where they stand, sending loving light out into the world and into Mother Earth.  Some friends gather in a section of a community, and as they walk, they extend positive energy, peace and love.  Still others travel to other countries to meet like minded souls to sit in monasteries, up in mountains or at vortexes holding thoughts of peace, love and world wisdom.  Through the internet and Skype, still others join at a certain time regularly to pray together, to send healing energy out into the world, and request miracles for suffering children.

Our focus desperately needs to be upon the goodness in our world.  Turn off the news and do not read the sensational acts of vandalism and violence.  We will not bury our heads in the sand regarding the existing problems, but focusing only on the negative, begets more negative.  Counter balance the anger being displayed by dedicating prayers, meditations, energy work to the good of all.  Be an invisible beholder of the Universe.

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