Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Stretching Point For Others

"May I be a bridge."

Shanti deva

Sifting through my memories on New Years Eve, I come to realize how frequently I have stood upon a bridge watching water flow.  Water needs current to pull it along so that it will not become stagnant. and the same can be said of our emotions.  

A bridge over water has always been a place for contemplation.  Methodically, I stand on one side to think of where I have been.  Then, I walk to the other side and wonder where I will go.  When I stand in the middle, I sincerely try to integrate both sides into my present thinking.

Standing in the middle of a bridge is perfect.  One cannot see too far behind nor too far ahead.  Right in the middle is where I find comfort as anything seems possible.  The bridge itself is a support system, not intended to lead me one way or the other.  It suspends me above unnecessary emotions, and uncovered, allows me to hear the voices carried upon the wind.

In the midst of my reverie, I realize I want to be a bridge for others.  Not to direct them one way or another, but to support them while they too can observe the churning water below or gaze into the floating clouds of possibility.  I want to offer them a comfort zone where they can integrate what is necessary for them to carry on.

So this is my intention, to be a stretching point for others.  To have trees and birds on one end and a gentle wandering path on the other.  To have the undercurrent of emotions below, moving, not stagnant, and the ability to look up into the warmth of the sun in the sky.  Alone, I will not be afraid as the moon will arrive at night bringing forth a star studded sky.

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