Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Walking Through Shadows

"It begins with willingness.  With courage.  With vulnerability."
Panache Desai

When we choose to explore inner landscapes, we wander with our light into passages of darkness.  It is often times a very difficult journey, but there are many rewards.  This way of being, balancing our light with our shadows, creates an acceptance of our pretty parts, our dark sides, and everything in between.

The word shadow references mystery or things going bump in the night.  Our shadow is better defined by phrases Panache Desai uses:  past wounds; unfinished business; denied fear; unexpressed rage; self-hatred; unworthiness and anything not fully embraced by our consciousness.  

When we find ourselves judging others, it is like an alarm going off in our head as it is a sure indication this very issue is lurking in side of us as well.  If we criticize someone, we can immediately turn back to ourselves and apply it to our own behavior.  When we blame someone, we can swivel an imaginary mirror back towards our selves to catch that very reflection. Panache Desai states, "What we judge in others are qualities we refuse to see as our own."

So if we find ourselves being insecure or arrogant, we can acknowledge this behavior which pulls it into the light.  It is no longer hidden or repressed.  We then have the opportunity to accept our shadows and eliminate criticizing these very quirks in others.  We will never be perfect, but we will be more humble and accepting of our lovely selves and others.

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