Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Voice in the Inner Space of Nothingness

"You didn't come here to face hurdle after hurdle after hurdle.
It's not as if by mastering your issues today, more issues will be added tomorrow.
That only happens when you deny them today.
Master your issues, today, and be free."


I have this void inside.  I try to fill it with a variety of thoughts, activities, and applications of words I have read.  When I grow still, the void is still there, waiting ...   So today I will try to move closer rather than attempting to stuff the hole with busyness.  I will sit silently, listening for my inner voice to speak from the vast depths of my soul.

I begin to sense there is something beyond this emptiness.  Perhaps this loneliness is similar to fear and I need to push through it, to listen to what is on the other side.  I am now wondering if this sense of emptiness isn't a layer depriving me of feelings other than pain.  What if there were joy and freedom within my reach?

So I sit with my lovely self.  Calming my mind and ignoring distractions, I wait for my intuition to be heard.  I welcome the insight that will hopefully, at long last, set me free.

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