Monday, October 6, 2014

Carriers of Truth

"As artists, we belong to an
ancient and holy tribe. We
are the carriers of the truth
that spirit moves through us all."

Julia Cameron

Our ancestors are lined up behind us, watching and waiting for us to do our part of the journey.  We have a responsibility to move what has been learned before us to those who have yet to come.  We strive to do our best, not only for our selves, but for those who have already met their challenges and for those waiting in the sidelines, memorizing their future parts to the stream of existence.

There is great question as to whether or not we will ever be a great author or accomplished artist; but this has no bearing on our responsibility  to be the connecting dot between what has been and what may yet to be.  

Spirit exists in the heart of every person and we are carriers of truth.  Truth, as we know it.  Reality as we perceive it.  Life as it is shown to us.  We are tempered by the experiences of our ancestors through DNA, memory, and ancient writings.  The truth of today, may not necessarily hold up to the truth of our tomorrows.

We are one person in a line of many and this is enough to call us forward.  Our personal existence is relevant to those behind us and those who wait.  It is important for us to do our very best with what we have been given.  Endeavor to discover and enhance our gifts to make contributions great or small to the unfolding of all people, places, and things.

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